
Miniature, misogynist and those are his good qualities, he loiters awkwardly at the corner of macho and maladjusted, a trained male gaze and a marshalled vocabulary of four letter words to match. The IQ? Scores exceptionally high on the Indecency Quotient and excels in extra curriculars geared towards enlarging the testiculars. The gentleman? A misnomer, … Continue reading Microaggression

#2 A Quick One Before Bed

Well this is nice, exorcising those late night thoughts. I find I sleep a little better and certainly I feel at home creatively. 'When tomorrow imposes itself on today, defy the portent and slander fate, rebuff the shamans and mystics' prophecy, tomorrow's a mystery the future; a philosophy.' Good night all, sleep tight.

One Eyed Wonders – Mayoral Envy

Well, infection rates in my hometown of Liverpool are amongst the highest in the country and as a result we've been placed in 'Tier 3 Local Lockdown'. Essentially this means stricter rules regarding interaction with other people, curfews and lots more businesses closing down, potentially never to reopen again. Central government discussed these measures with … Continue reading One Eyed Wonders – Mayoral Envy

To Bed #Poem

Early nights are for the world-weary The weather-beaten wanderers seeking reprieve from the cruelty of waking inertia An exchange for peaceful stillness A mercy and a curse Bookends the possibilities Some achieved while others Languish in reticence For the chance to be called upon again Transported unerringly to deliverance.

#6WSP – Need

This week's prompt is Need. As in, its been ages since I last posted and need to write something. P.s I'm actually a little late for the dead line it seems, but thought I would post anyway, rather than let it waste away in the draft pile :p Need you like stories need endings.